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(1) Grand Prize: Winners choice of a $4,000 check or an Exclusive NCAA Gameday Experience for a NCAA regular season game. Prize includes:
- 2 double-occupancy hotel rooms for 2 nights,
- 4 tickets to winner’s choice of a 2014 regular season game,
- Round-trip coach air transportation.
(100) Instant Win First Prizes: A “Gameday Prize Pack” consisting of:
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(10,000) Instant Win Second Prizes: A coupon good for one free REESE’S Peanut Butter Cups candy bar.
No purchase necessary to enter or win. To request a free Code by mail, send a 3”x5” card with your name, address, city, state, zip code, date of birth and email address to:
Reese’s Football: Let’s Go Reese’s Promotion Code Request,
P.O. Box 760003,
Dept. 597-710,
El Paso, TX 88576-0003.